Blog Post

Make Money Online @YouTube

Northstar America • Oct 25, 2019

Search Traffic You Can Leverage and Monetize

How to Drive Targeted Organic Traffic to Your Email List & Funnels by Using YouTube As Your Front-End Funnel

If you don't know by now, I'm here to let you know that YouTube is a Diamond Mine, but not many people have figured out how to excavate the mine effectively, and the fact is anyone who knows is not going to tell you, but I am going to tell you how to Make Money Online @YouTube...

Let's start with how to use YouTube a resource tool...

We all know YouTube is the second biggest search engine on the planet, and there is practically no subject you can't find to learn about on the platform. But, a marketers biggest problem we face is saturation...

With vast subject coverage on YouTube, it would seem that you can't get in, rank your video, and get views. Well thankfully there is plenty of room to grow on YouTube for many reasons, and that is age, depth of variety, and trendy topics and events...

Age, Depth of Variety, Trendy Topics and Events...
Age is referred to the age of a video. I don't mean the age of your video, but the age of the video's out there within that subject you are publishing about. Content you are publishing may have a very aged category and or subject matter that no one has covered in like 5 to 10 years. The reason for that maybe because of a change in trends, or a change in industry, or a change with buzzwords...

Depth of variety means how vast a subject and category of a subject is. In other words subcategories, and sub-niches. The deeper a category and subject within that category are, the greater the opportunity a videos discoverability will be...

Trendy topics and events are videos made on what is the latest and greatest of what's happening now. It's what the masses are talking about today, and what is carrying on from yesterday as an ongoing subject. This is more in line with gossip, celebrities, politics and news, but this can also be applied to things you recognize trending within your niche and subjects within that niche...

These three things will make the difference with how your videos perform. Note that there is no guarantee with how this is going to work because one key factor that determines the outcome is the 'Meta Data' of your videos. This means Keywords and Descriptions. These are very important and will make all the difference. One thing to know and keep in mind, meta data doesn't guarantee anything, but if done right, the Algorithm will pick up on it and push the video. If the Thumbnail grabs attention and the content is good, then you have a winner on your hands, but it the Thumbnail grabs attention and the content is 'GREAT', then you have a champion on your hands, either way you're golden. Rinse and repeat because you have a formula that works...

Categories and Subjects
Categories are niches,  and subjects are topics of interest and discussion within a category...

Even though YouTube has categories to select when uploading and publishing a video, the depth in which I'm talking about here is what people are actually looking for through search. For example this blog post is about Make Money Online @YouTube, this would be the subject and interest of the search, but the actual category would be marketing, and the niche of this category would be internet marketing and or online marketing, which are one in the same. The upload category you would select would be education because people are searching something specific to learn. Then the search category would be marketing, internet marketing, online marketing...

At the time of writing this particular blog post I have a very small YouTube channel with about 315 Subs, and growth has been very slow, but the numbers are moving. What makes me qualified to write and speak about this topic is the amount of time and research I do on this platform. I have tried all sorts of techniques, listened to the YouTube Guru's and such, but what I found to be the most effective, tried and true, is what I have written thus far. Maybe by the time you have read this post, my channel will have grown enormously. But like with all things growth takes time, right...?

My purpose of sharing the above paragraph with you is to be transparent, and to time stamp the growth of my channel...

The prime example of how powerful categories and subjects are on YouTube is Jennelle Elliana. At the time of this blog post Jennelle's YouTube channel took off like a rocket on June 29th, 2019 when she published her first video titled "VAN TOUR | SOLO FEMALE TRAVELER lives VANLIFE with PET SNAKE!". She had it all in one right there within her title. That video to date has over 8 million views. So far she has published 9 videos on her channel with a total of 41 million views. Call it 'LUCK', I call it precision. A lot of YouTuber's talked about her new found phenomenal success and popularity on YouTube, and everyone was trying to figure it out, but no one seen what I saw. I commented on a few videos pointing out the effects of the 'VAN TOUR VANLIFE' video title. Everyone overlooked that main point. For someone like Jennelle Elliana to be a newbie on the scene of YouTube and her first video takes off like that, I believe was very calculated in how and why she chose that particular title for her video, thus results the powerful effects of 'Category and Subjects'...

It's Free, Organic, Targeted, and Takes Time...
Taking and using this approach is an awesome way to generate hyper targeted traffic to drive to your email list and offers, but it takes time for your first several videos to catch traction. The great thing is its free and organic, so you literally have zero worries about cost except for your time and effort(s), but that's nothing to fret about because it will be worth it in the long run, you just have to have vision...

Content Attraction, Thumbnails, Titles and Descriptions...
When people are conducting a search for their interest, wants and needs, you only have one chance to grab their attention. This is not to say that if they skipped selecting your video to watch they won't watch it later, but the fact is we are trying to get views now, and keep those views consistent...

How it's done is with really good thumbnails, and a great attention grabbing title. When someone considers watching your video, they then will read the short description display, and if they line up it will get the potential viewers attention to watch your video...

One last hurdle to overcome is the actual content of the video. In order to keep the viewer, the content has to be worth watching. Think about what you like to watch and what makes you stick around to watch it. It's literally that simple. The content you create is your own, so you have to use your ingenuity to make that happen. You can identify great content because you know what you like, and other people in large numbers love to consume the same things as you.  So it is easy to use that as your measuring stick when thinking about how to keep viewers attention, and keep them looking for more...

YouTube as a Front-end...

As a marketer on the internet, your goal and aim is to make money online, and of course if you are using YouTube I'm sure you would like to do more than make money from YouTube Ad's, that's even if your channel is monetized in that way yet. If your channel is far from that point, you still need to monetize your channel, and the way to do that is by funneling people through your YouTube videos getting viewers to sign up on your email list...

Every time you publish a video on YouTube you should be making a call to action for them to do something, and if you really want to grow your email list, then you need to direct them to doing that because its important for you to grow and expand your business online...

Before your audience and potential customers get to know you, your brand, and or products, you have to communicate with them through the content you publish. Remember no one is actually looking for your content unless you have done something for them to remember you, and this is why I put emphasis on using YouTube as a front-end for your funnels capturing leads...

If you have done your job well to capture the attention of a viewer, then you have to push them to click the link in the description area to sign up on your email list, and or go to an offer. The purpose of setting it up this way is because YouTube will be always working for you...

Once you have everything in place and finally get viewers, as long as the video content stays relevant, using YouTube as a front-end to your funnel(s) will serve you years to come, so be sure you have everything well maintained...

Audio Content Alert!

Listen to this audio podcast to get more in depth with getting greater advantage with your content...↓↓↓↓ 

Call to Action, Offers & Email

The most important thing you need to do for your business is a 'Call to Action' in your videos. A 'Call to Action' is mentioning and telling your viewer to do something you want them to do like subscribe to your YouTube channel, liking and sharing your video, or clicking a link in the description...

Call to Action is very important to growth and making money in your business. Without it you will miss out on a lot, and fizzle out...

Doing a call to action will push viewers into your offers and email list. The more you do it, the greater the chance and likelihood people will do exactly as you are telling to do...

Call to Action is priority for sustaining your business and maintaining profitability and growth. It should become second nature to you...

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Disclaimer: It is the intent of the writer and purpose of this blog post to be informative, and helpful to the reader. The method as described within the writing is proven by it's use of other YouTuber's and marketers across YouTube. The writer expresses his opinion, experience, and view point as a means to give a valid ideal to the reader for potential of implementing this particular method with out any type of guaranteed results. This method is organic and can take an immense amount of time to see results, if any at all. It is at the behest of the readers own volition in consideration and choice implementing use of the method as expressed within this blog post.
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