Blog Post

The Law of Attraction Answering the Question

Northstar America • Oct 26, 2019

In Accordance with My Knowledge & Experience

What is The Law Of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction  is a Universal Law that governs existential circumstance. To make it simpler, it is what governs what we get out of life throughout our life. This does not include situations we are born into, but what our thoughts, actions, and behavior produced as a result...

For a lot of people it is hard to fathom such an existence of a governing law, but how we know it really is a thing, rather than some mystic gibberish is, by what we have and see all around us throughout our lives...

Every thought we think, action we take, and decision we make produces an outcome, a result, something tangible and very real. But what the Law of Attraction is in relation to this, it is the source of what is and can be...

When you make a statement and it happened, that is the Law of Attraction. When you thought of something and it appeared, came true, that is the Law of Attraction. When you set a goal, take action and achieve that goal, that is the Law of Attraction. When someone is on their death bed and suddenly comes back to excellent health, that is the Law of Attraction. When people win the Lottery and claim it was on purpose, that is the Law of Attraction. When people achieve living their dreams from visualizing and imagine themselves doing it before it actually happens, that is the Law of Attraction. There are many more examples I could give in context to this, but it's far too vast to write...

People will argue that it's not real and just a farce, it's coincidental, but this couldn't be any farther from the truth. The reasoning most people give, is the fact that, what they want out of life isn't happening for them, and nothing they invested in with their capacity has materialized. I will point out that you get what you think and feel the most. So, if you don't think favorably about yourself, and you don't feel favorably about yourself, your are getting exactly what you are thinking and feeling the most...

The Law of Attractions gives us exactly what we think, feel, and believe ourselves to be. Life is a mirror and is a direct reflection of who we are. People, places, and things are an immediate overwhelming heap of evidence that surrounds us, reflecting back what our thoughts, behaviors, and actions produce...

Answering The Question Is It Real & How Does it Work...

This in depth video will answer the question about the Law of Attraction with insight you need to hear...↓↓↓↓

You Get Exactly What You Put Into It

With the Law of Attraction, one term you will hear synonymously is manifestation or manifest. To bare the weight of Law of Attraction, we bring into fruition the things we want and don't want consciously and unconsciously, thus we have manifestation...

People tend to think and believe that some outside force is pulling the strings of our lives when in fact it's no one but yourself. Whether you believe in a higher power or not, no matter the results and outcomes, it is by your own doing, directly and indirectly, and this is do to people you hang around, places you go to (your environment), and the things that you do and indulge in...

We don't choose our family, race, or circumstances from the beginning of our lives, that is given to us by what we are birthed into. As we grow and get older, becoming more aware of the life we live, we consciously think about and choose the things we want, who our friends and associates are, however positive or negative that is for us. These are the effect of people, places, and things...

Majority of people do not realize how much they are in control of their lives. Of course there are things completely out of our control, but the results we end up with is very much in our control. The decisions we make, what we aspire to do and become, how we see ourselves, what we pursue, all of it ties in together and is a culmination of what we attract...

Here is something so far fetched you'll still get the point. You can't win the 'Lottery' if you don't play it. Now do you understand? My point with the lottery is, you still have to do the equivalent thereof in order to get a desired result. But if you don't do the act necessary to bring forth what you want, it just doesn't have the chance of happening for you. There are other components to the Law of Attraction, but it's something you already know because you've been doing them since you were a baby...

The conscious act of using the Law of Attraction are the things that come basic to us everyday, like going to McDonald's or Chili's, going to Walmart to get toothpaste, soap, and deodorant, buying a car or a house, going to college to become a scientist, doctor, lawyer,  or whatever it is you've aspired to be. As you see, I have taken the most mundane things to what we would consider more narrow complex levels. All require the same exact thing to attain them, and that is thought. Let me be clear here, to attain any of it demands different levels of 'activity' to get them, but it takes the same thing to do it which is thought...

Life, Love, & Happiness

The Law of Attractions applies to all facets of life. There isn't anything in existence that is outside the realm and governance of the Law of Attraction...

Every part of the lives we live is a direct result of what we think, believe, and do. The standards, ethics, and codes you live by produce the results you attain. It is to note that you effect you, and are the gatekeeper of your own world. This is not to say that what other people do can't directly effect you, but ultimately you are in control of yourself and all that you involve yourself with...

When it comes to family, friends, associates, the work place, school and so, you are the sum of what is happening to you. Everything around you plays a part in what is happening, but at any given time you can change it...

We all have something we care about, something that matters to us more than anything, and within that it produces our idea of a good life, love, and happiness. Law of Attraction governs the results of this. It's not just about material things, it's also about the intangible things we want as well. Just be sure to stay out of your own way with doubt, worry, and fear. These things come natural to you, but be aware of leaning into what you really want out of life, and clear your mind and spirit of negativity because like attracts like...

Write, Focus, Meditate, Visualize, Manifest

Subconsciously majority of the world goes through their lives unaware of what they are doing to themselves. When things go good they refer to is as luck, a blessing, or some sort of outside force such as GOD. When things aren't going so well they will refer to is in a similar way. What a lot of people aren't doing is paying attention to the roll they play in the results the get...

Mundane things in life come and happen without much effort, but the bigger something is to us, the greater emphasis we have to put on our efforts to get it. The key to achieving anything in life is focus, meditation, and visualization, and things will eventually manifest and come into fruition...

One major key component to achieving anything you consider to be 'BIG', you must write it down. Writing something down is how you solidify focus and what to meditate on, allowing you to have the vision to visualize, seeing it as real and eventually manifesting it into being...

The Law of Attraction requires that you aide yourself with what you want, and is the reason why doing these 5 things are so important. To ensure something you want to happen unfolds for you, the best way to start is writing about it, being descriptive as you can about it. Once you've done that, focus on it as a priority doing anything that aides it to take place. Then meditate on it for a short period of time during the day, and use that time to see it in your mind, visualize it as being real. Everything that needs to happen, to manifest it, for it to come into fruition, will take place. The main thing you need to do is, let it flow because how it is going to happen isn't in your control, so stay out your own way...

Vision Boards...
Along with the 5 things listed to do to aide what you want to manifest, if you really what to 'SUPER CHARGE' getting what you want, make a vision board...

A vision board are pictures, and things you write about put together in collage form that represent what you want, and things you want to achieve...

Putting the use of  vision boards, writing, focus, meditation, and visualizing is sure way to solidify seeing things you want to manifest come into fruition...

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Disclaimer: The Law of Attraction is a Universal Law in accord with cosmic creation and is edifice in spiritual writing documented throughout history. It is the intent of the writer of this blog to share his knowledge and insight in accordance to his experience, and to extend access to people seeking to learn without being mystified. This blog post is meant to be informative and helpful, but non-directional with the readers choice in belief and exercise thereof. It is at the behest of the reader to accept this information as applicable to their own life. 
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